At Simon de Senlis Primary we strive to ensure individual pupil’s needs are clearly identified and specific strategies, support and resources are out into place to support learning at all levels. Quality first teaching with instant interventions are used to support misconceptions and enhance learning on a daily basis. Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children within our school and provide materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities. This ensures that all children have a full access to our school’s curriculum. This is a curriculum which supports and develops a child to be creative, agile and industrious regardless of their individual needs and where the school and staff endeavor to support and to develop children’s emotional, social and academic needs to the highest standards possible.
Teaching assistants are deployed very effectively in all classes to work with all pupils, either in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. If a more specific support programme is required, six week interventions are planned with the teacher and Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion. The progress within this intervention is closely monitored in order to ensure pupil’s learning is on track. At times more specialised support programmes are required and we work closely with a range of professionals to support a variety of needs. These professionals include Educational Psychologists, Community Paediatricians, Speech therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists and Specialised teachers in behaviour, learning difficulties and ASD.
The school follows the SEND Code of Practice and ensures assessments take place to support statutory assessments. Pupils on the SEND register and with Education Health Care Plans and High Needs Funding are supported closely within school to allow them to develop academically, emotionally and socially. The school supports the Local Offer and works closely with Parents & Carers of children and young people with special educational needs & disability, to ensure a range of specialist or targeted service providers are available.
To view our most recent SEND Report, please click here to be direct to our policies page.
SEN Unit (Rated Outstanding)
Simon de Senlis is proud to have a resourced SEN unit within school with places available for pupils with complex learning needs, speech language and communication needs. The SEN Unit is a specialist provision which offers pupils an appropriate curriculum based upon the National Curriculum. Where possible students are taught in Key Stage groups. Some students with Profound and Multiple learning needs may be taught in a mixed key stage group.
On the whole the children will spend 95% of their week accessing their learning within the Special Unit. Their lessons will include a focus on literacy and numeracy skills, speech and language development and social and emotional development plus lessons encompassing the wider curriculum. There will be opportunities for children to access their mainstream year group for PE, educational trips and for other curriculum experiences where appropriate. The local authority has judged the SEN unit over the past two years as outstanding.
The school has a successful Inclusion Team which includes the Inclusion Leader, The Family Support Worker, The SEN Unit staff, SEN support staff and EAL support.
Inclusion Quality Mark
Simon de Senlis was awarded IQM Flagship School status for the ongoing work that supports all pupils in school and ensures Inclusion is a priority. A quote from the final IQM report reads; “Without exception, parents, teaching staff and students were all highly positive about the ethos of the school, recognising the relentless efforts made by all to provide an outstanding learning environment, with inclusion at the centre, for all pupils on their learning journey. Indeed innovation and Inclusion are central to the schools approaches to teaching and learning.”
To view our Inclusion Policy, please click here to be directed to our Policies Page.
Northamptonshire County Council Local Offer
The Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities.
SEND Documents & Reports
Title | Download |
SDS SEND Policy Feb 2024 2026 | Download |
SDS SEND Report 2024-2026 | Download |