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School Uniform

We encourage all children to show their participation and pride in our school community by wearing school uniform.

Please ensure all items of uniform etc. are clearly marked with the name and class of your child!

Day to Day Clothing

  • Black or Grey trousers / skirts / pinafore dresses
  • Emerald green polo shirt - with or without logo
  • Navy blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan - with or without logo (fleeces only to be worn outdoors)
  • Plain black shoes or shoe-like trainers (without obvious logo)
  • Blue checked / striped summer dress (summer time only)
  • Tailored black shorts (not sports or casual shorts) (summer time only)

PE Uniform

Children come to school on PE days in their PE uniform. The uniform consists of a Simon de Senlis PE top and overtop (purchased from Jules), black shorts or black jogging bottoms, black or white socks and trainers.

Please do not equip your child with loose or baggy items for PE or swimming lessons, as they are not safe. Children who have inappropriate clothing will not be able to participate. As with the rest of school uniform, please ensure that items are named. PE bags are available to purchase from the school office.


Swimming hats must be provided, no goggles are allowed.


  • One piece costumes only


  • Non-baggy shorts or trunks


Jewellery is not allowed to be worn in school for health and safety reasons (with the exception of sleeper or plain stud earrings). Children wearing studs or sleepers will need to take them out for PE and will be expected to do so themselves. If they can’t be removed, the child will be unable to participate in the lesson. With this in mind, it is best for children to have their ears pierced at the start of the summer holidays.


Our uniform supplier is 'Jules at Home' situated in Roade Village. The postal address is:

4 South View
High Street

Telephone: 01604 862019

Opening hours are 9.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm on Saturdays.  Payments can be made by cash or credit / debit cards. Ordering is available over the telephone or via the internet at:

Proud to be part of the Northampton Primary Academy Trust