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Friends of SdS

Who are Friends of Simon de Senlis?

Friends of Simon de Senlis (FoSDS) is a volunteer group made up of parents, school staff and community members who are passionate about supporting the school and raising additional funds to make a difference for our children.

We help to promote close links between the school, the parents and the community by organising a number of fun events throughout the school year, such as film nights, school discos, fun runs and the hugely popular Summer Fete.

Money Raised

The money that we raise helps to provide our children with equipment and/or supplies that aren’t included in the school budget. Most recently:

  • Book bags and water bottles for Reception pupils
  • Resources for forest school
  • Books to restock the school library and classrooms
  • Playground markings for children to play games

To help us make the most of our fundraising opportunities, Friends of Simon de Senlis is a registered charity - No: 1056298 and our committee members are unwavering in ensuring that all monies raised are spent well, with the needs of the school and its children at the forefront of our minds.

How you can make a difference

We welcome any support you can give, however small.  Whether it’s half an hour or a full event - the choice is yours. We will always be pleased to see you and grateful for your support.  For example, some ways to help might be:

  • Suggesting fundraising ideas
  • Donations / Sponsorship
  • Taking part in event planning
  • Wrapping prizes
  • Preparing and/or running the stalls at the Summer fete
  • Volunteering at the school discos
  • Serving tea and coffee at school functions

Year Group Facebook Pages.

Each year group has its own Facebook page. This provides parents with a chance to ask questions, communicate with other parents in your child’s year, organise social events and to forward messages from the school or Friends of Simon de Senlis.

These groups are managed by members of FoSDS and will be a more informal way to exchange information and give handy reminders about school and fundraising events. However, please note that you should contact the school directly if you have any worries or concerns, and not use social websites to air any grievances.

If you would like to join the Facebook groups for your child/children’s year group(s), please search for the appropriate group and request to join.

  • Reception Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Reception Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 1 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 2 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 3 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 4 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 5 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Year 6 Parents (2024/25) @ SdS Primary
  • Robinson Class Parents @ SdS Primary
  • Wiggins Class Parents @ SdS Primary

There is also a Friends of Simon De Senlis Facebook page which can be found at

  • Friends of Simon de Senlis

Contact us

If you have any questions about Friends of Simon De Senlis, would like to volunteer or are interested in joining the committee, please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Proud to be part of the Northampton Primary Academy Trust