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Home School Agreement

At Simon de Senlis, we believe that the partnership between parents and the school is fundamental to the success and happiness of our children. We are determined to create a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment in which all members of the school community can grow in self-esteem and develop their potential.

This can be done most effectively when all staff, parents, carers and children understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals, as detailed in our home / school agreement.

Our vision…

At Simon de Senlis, we are passionate about learning.

Through our distinct approach to learning, fueled by inspiration, high expectations and innovation, we are building a community of responsible, determined, aspirational, healthy and happy learners who make a positive ‘dent in the universe’.

As a Pupil of Simon de Senlis, I will…

  • Be honest.
  • Respect other children’s culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.
  • Accept responsibility for the things that I do.
  • Be responsible for my school and homework.
  • Ask for help if I need it and try my best in all that I do.
  • Be kind and speak politely to everyone in school.
  • Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.
  • Take good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.

As a Parent / Carer I will…

  • Ensure my child arrives at school by 8.45 am and inform the school before 9.30am of reasons for absence.
  • Not ask for any leave of absence for my child unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • Make sure that my child is wearing named school uniform and that their PE kit is worn on the correct days.
  • Let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do homework, so these can be resolved quickly.
  • Support the school by encouraging my child to develop a positive attitude towards our diverse, multi-cultural community.
  • Attend meetings with my child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving my child on in their learning.
  • Support and work with the school’s approach to behaviour.
  • Read all information sent home as this gives important details of relevant policies, meetings, workshops, newsletters and open days.
  • Contact the School directly if I have any worries or concerns and not use social media websites to air any grievances.
  • Read the prospectus thoroughly and agree to comply with all of those aspects which require parental action.
  • Support the school by making sure that homework tasks are completed and returned on time.

Our school will…

  • Provide your child with a high standard of education, implemented by rigorous national guidelines, within a rich and balanced curriculum.
  • Ensure that our learning environment is inspiring, stimulating and safe.
  • Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements.
  • Care for your child’s safety and well-being by observation and listening to them.
  • Only grant any leave of absence during term time if there are exceptional circumstances.
  • Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to one another, regardless of gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and ability.
  • Inform you at an early stage of any concerns that we may have so that you can discuss and become involved in any matter relating to your child.
  • Encourage your child to become an active member of our community and help them see that they can impact on the world around them.
  • Regularly meet with you to communicate the progress of your child, celebrating their strengths and explaining how we can support and encourage them in their areas for development.
  • Provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities and newsletters.
  • Be very happy to welcome you if you would like to contribute to our school’s broader curriculum. We recognise that our local community holds a wealth of talent, experience, diversity and enthusiasm that our school could benefit richly from.

The contents of this page represent an agreement between us as a school and you as a family. We hope you will sign this agreement, in good faith, as the basis of an agreement between us all, to try to achieve the best possible learning environment for your child.

Proud to be part of the Northampton Primary Academy Trust