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Online Safety

Keeping Children Safe Online

Ensuring children are safe online is vital and even more so in today's society with the advance in technologies. The children have all received a series of internet safety lessons appropriate for their age and we continue to have discussions about this throughout the year as and when the children may have questions. 

A Practical Guide for Parents and Carers whose Children are Using Social Media

Here is a link to a very useful guide, written by five different organisations with an interest of keeping children safe online, for parents of children who use social media. This guide will help you: 

  • understand the risks your child faces when using social media 
  • how these risks could affect them
  • with practical tips to help minimise the risks 
  • make a report of inappropriate or unsafe use

NSPCC Share Aware and Net Aware Resources 

It can be hard to keep track of what your child is doing on social networks, apps and games or to know how to keep them safe. That's why the NSPCC, together with O2, are helping parents untangle the web and teach their children to be Share Aware. Because, just like in real life, children need your help to stay safe online. Please see the NSPCC Share Aware support guide for further information and the Share Aware website, which includes a video, for hints and tips. 

Want to know more about an app or game that your child is using? Not sure what the age recommendation is for any online app or game? Use the NSPCCs Net Aware website to find information on all online apps and games and how you can support your child to use them safely.  

Other resources for parents

Parent Zone- Parent Zone – Parents' area

Child Net-Childnet - Childnet

Safer Internet UK-UK Safer Internet Centre - Online Safety Tips, Advice and Resources | Safer Internet Centre

NCC Online- Safety-Online safety | NSPCC

Ditto Online Safety- Free Online Safety Newsletter for Schools and Parents (

National Online Safety Resouces -

Safety at home is just as important...

Ensuring appropriate access control measures are in place on your home equipment is just as important as at school. You may find this website useful for information on how to ensure you are utilising all access control measures on your home devices. 

House protect

Proud to be part of the Northampton Primary Academy Trust